Session 1: Tuesday Queen of the Beach July 16 – August 27


Individual sign-up for women’s doubles QOTB

43 in stock



2 person teams
KOTB & QOTB are rotating partners, coed: sign up with a set partner
KOTB (men’s), QOTB (women’s) and coed doubles
Week One – July 16 – K/Q SEEDING NIGHT
Week Two – July 23 – COED SEEDING NIGHT
Week Three – July 30
Week Four – August 6
Week Five – August 13
Week Six – August 20- KOTB/QOTB TOURNEY
Week Seven – August 27 – COED TOURNEY
KOTB & QOTB play 5:30-8:30pm, COED plays 8:30-11:30pm